Charles Henry dress (c/o); Wedges; Sunglasses; Kendra Scott bangles; Louise’s gingham harness
Good morning, friends! Over the past couple of weeks you may have noticed a few guest appearances by this little gal over on my Instagram, but today I wanted to formally introduce our new Vizsla pup Louise! The full name is Louise Ana Prendergast (named after my favorite Southern state, obvi), but mostly we just call her Weeze. And let me tell you, although she’s little, Weeze girl has added a whole lotta spice around here.
I’ll admit that I never really had a dog on the agenda. I’ve never had a dog, and I certainly have zero experience wrangling a brand new puppy. But Eric has been nonstop chatting about getting a Vizsla since before we started the whole home remodel adventure, and when the finish line was in sight, I knew the pup was coming soon. And she showed up all cute and tiny and wrinkly and mellow, and I was instantly in love. It’s really hard to say no to those adorable little puppy eyes and those big, floppy ears.
From day one, she’s slept in her crate through the night with no problem, no accidents. That part has seriously been a dream. But during the day, ohhhh, man. During the day, Weeze girl has REALLY put me through it, y’all. The puppy stage is legit no joke, and I swear some days I thought I was losing my mind. (Or maybe I already have – fast forward to me arriving at a happy hour on day 3 with the pup and immediately bursting into tears at the sight of girlfriends. That’s normal, right?!)
But now we’re about three weeks in, and there is good news to report, folks. The Weeze and I are now in a good daily groove, and this little pup is pretty much potty-trained. Big victories, y’all. And as for Eric? Well he’s completely a smitten kitten, and Weezy lives to impress him. Plus, I mean, she’s just so dang cute. I last-minute decided to take her along for these outfit photos in the neighborhood last week, and it turns out Weeze loves the camera. What a little poser, right?!
So if any of you guys are currently in that puppy stage, stay strong, friends! Because it is legit so hard, and while I know that we’re nowhere near out of the woods, it’s getting better and better every day. (Puppy bath time is a real standout around here.) And, like, when there’s a puppy napping on your lap, can you really even remember those psycho puppy moments? Maybe don’t answer that. Hope everyone has a great week ahead!
Photos thanks to Vincent Elejorde

June 12, 2017 at 6:41 am (8 years ago)First love this dress. Second they do eventually grow out of the puppy stage. When I first got my puppy I thought I was going to lose it because she was so crazy and wouldn’t listen. While I still have some days where she drives me crazy she has calmed down a lot and is so sweet. Good luck with your new puppy! She is cute.
@stylingsofstacey |
June 13, 2017 at 8:43 am (8 years ago)Thank you so much! All the encouraging words from people who have regained their sanity after the puppy years are so helpful! xoxo
Ginger Gaubert
June 12, 2017 at 11:24 am (8 years ago)Love the outfit and the photo shoot with Weeze! <3
June 13, 2017 at 8:42 am (8 years ago)Ha, thanks! I was happy she decided to mind her puppy manners that day 🙂
Kier Mellour
June 12, 2017 at 4:59 pm (8 years ago)I just showed my man allll these photos. She is so cute. I literally can’t even. I think I’m having puppy fever and you just made it worse! Plus my middle name is Louise so she stole my heart instantly! Ps. I think you’ve finally convinced me to get those wedges!
June 13, 2017 at 8:42 am (8 years ago)Haha! Well tell him I’m sorry for fueling the puppy fever a little more 🙂 She’s a wild animal sometimes, but it does help that she’s pretty cute. xo
Karen Williams
June 12, 2017 at 10:23 pm (8 years ago)Weeze is adorable and you are too! “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Roger A. Caras
June 13, 2017 at 8:41 am (8 years ago)Aww thank you! She’s a handful, so she’s lucky she’s pretty cute 🙂
June 13, 2017 at 2:30 am (8 years ago)Thank you for this post! I currently have a 4 1/2 month old mini dachshund. Some days I break down crying but most days he’s a joy and very funny! But it’s a hard stage for sure. Be thankful yours doesn’t mind the crate as my lil’ man doesn’t but it’s ok, we are working around it. Stay strong and thanks again for posting this, I don’t feel as crazy ha ha
June 13, 2017 at 8:40 am (8 years ago)Oh girl, glad I could make you feel a little less crazy! I found myself telling Eric one day that I miss my pre-dog life! lol. But then little Weeze comes and curls up on my lap for a nap, and all is right in the world. One day we’ll get our sanity back!