
msd_9.4.14_0027When it comes to clothing and accessories (the latter in particular), I am, in a word: obsessed.  In my fashion-focused world, each day is an outfit that must be planned. In preparation magazines are scoured; blogs are stalked; celebrities are critiqued; and girlfriends are consulted.  For every event in my life, big and small, I plan, re-plan and perhaps over-analyze every aspect of what I will be wearing.  One day while discussing what to wear for an upcoming Girls’ Night Out, I realized that so many budding fashionistas may have their own style conundrums and no one to care (or at least to tell them that leopard hot pants are not the best idea when meeting his mother).  In my zealous efforts to beautify the world (you can thank me later), My Style Diaries was created.

Born and raised in Southern Louisiana, I moved to California to pursue an education and career in fashion.  After graduating from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in 2009, I spent two years as a fashion publicist at a boutique PR firm in Beverly Hills.  Through working with various celebrity and editorial stylists as well as bloggers during my time as a publicist, I fell in love with the worlds of styling and blogging, and wanted to find a way to combine the two.  I view My Style Diaries as an online resource for real women who are looking to dress to impress and believe that the luxury of a personal stylist should not be reserved for celebrities alone.  I am now a full-time blogger with a little freelance PR on the side.  (Anyone who’s been in the public relations world may be able to relate: once it’s in your blood, you are kind of a publicist for life.)

Since starting this little blog back in 2011, I’ve enjoyed working with fashion brands like Target, T.J.Maxx, Nordstrom, Marshalls, Athleta; beauty brands including Smashbox, bareMinerals, Target Beauty, Aloxxi Haircare, Pantene, Olay, Secret Deodorant, and CoverGirl; lifestyle brands like Starbucks, Diet Dr. Pepper, Cadillac, Chevrolet; and several travel and hotel companies.  I’ve been featured by PopSugar, The Huffington Post, E! Online, Refinery 29, Buzzfeed, People StyleWatch and several other media outlets that I’m so proud to be a part of.  I’ve had some amazing opportunities and met lifelong friends, and it’s all because of YOU, the reader.  I’m so very thankful for this journey and love hearing from you guys!  It’s the comments, “likes”, messages, emails, and Tweets that keep this little style train moving, so please feel free to reach out.  I look forward to hearing from you!


5 Comments on About

  1. Sonia
    February 4, 2015 at 11:43 pm (10 years ago)

    Hi, I love your blog!!! The best thing is that, it seems affordable and effortless. I recently lost 120 pounds of weight and am working on reinventing myself. I read your blog often and trust me, it helps me to know what to wear, how to carry the look and sometimes how to pose for a click. Keep up the great work!! Lots of love and best wishes!

  2. Kelly
    March 10, 2015 at 8:07 pm (10 years ago)


    This is a great blog and always full of fresh ideas and great photographs. Is there any chance you could please do a post on summer work wear? I find it hard to dress for the office in summer – I”m either too casual to beat the heat, or over dressed and hot all day. I don’t work in a corporate environment, but need to look smart. And I hate my upper arms – or ‘bingo wings – as they call them in the UK! I would LOVE it if you could please give us some summer work wear appropriate options.

    Thank you and keep up the good work!

  3. Mandy
    June 17, 2015 at 8:36 am (10 years ago)

    Where is that gorgeous navy shirt from in your bio pic please???

  4. amy brogan
    February 25, 2016 at 9:21 am (9 years ago)

    subscribe me to your blog!

  5. Álvaro
    June 3, 2016 at 1:12 pm (9 years ago)

    I like a lot your blog. I think it is different and has a simple but nice design with high-quality media. Also you give good advice about how to follow the actual fashion models and you are close to readers and opened to suggestions, which is great. Maybe you can add a background picture at the begining of each page to make it more attractive, but your blog is simply perfect.

    Maybe you can read my blog about music: https://musicpediaweb.wordpress.com/

    Good luck and congratulations for your blog!


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