Sail to Sable tank (c/o); denim shorts; Mar Y Sol bag; Baublebar necklace (similar here); Kork-Ease wedges (c/o)
Annnnd, we’re back! It’s been a couple of days of silence around here because y’all, movin’ ain’t easy! Holy moly, it’s amazing how much crap can really pile up in a house. Or a POD, either way. Eric and I discussed over dinner tonight that in one year’s time, we got married, bought a house, did a bunch of renovations to the house, moved into it, lived in it for a while, moved everything we own into a POD (portable storage in our driveway) for major construction and remodeling, moved ourselves into a rental house, and then moved everything back into our house this past weekend. My body is tired of moving things. And this time around, it’s taking FOR-EV-ER (Sandlot, anyone?) because pretty much everything we own is covered in construction dust. Happy happy, joy joy. Oh, and the no WIFI thing since we moved back in? Some dunce cap on Haterade from the internet company just sawed that wire right in half and didn’t even realize. Get outta here, nincompoop. (It’s a word, look it up.)
So I’m pretty pooped but admittedly ecstatic. I’ve got a shiny new kitchen that I love filled with wedding gifts that I’ve barely gotten to use until now. Oh, and a bathtub – very important for a Southerner, ya know? I’ve also got a ton of home content coming your way in due time, but for now, here’s another look from my time at Playa de La Paz because this little tassel tank is just begging to tag along on your Cinco de Mayo festivities. I mean, the fifth of May is already tomorrow? Crazy town, but we’ll be celebrating with the new neighborhood for a little progressive dinner-esque cocktails and app situation. Seriously, a gal from the new ‘hood stopped by, got my number, and included us. So nice. Sometimes the world can really surprise you in the best way possible. Hope everyone is having a great week!
Photos thanks to Michelle Preau