Looking Back on 2015

janblue dressJan 15-5Feb 15-4March 2015Mar 15-4Mar 15-5calypsoMar 15-8The White Dressapr 15-4Mar 15Caboapr 15-5may 15-4june 2015june 4june 5june 8june 11sept 4flora-farms-cocktailssept 8September 2015septoct 3free the nippleoct 5oct 6oct 7oct 8october 2015November 2015nov 6nov 7 decClick on any of the photos above to check out the original post.

New Year’s Eve again.  Are we really here?  Has it really been a whole year already?  Nuts, I tell ya.  But I can’t complain because it’s been such a crazy and amazing year.  Looking back on 2015, I can’t even believe the places I’ve gotten to go, the brands I’ve been fortunate enough to work with, the people I’ve met, and the friends and family that I’ve been so lucky to have by my side.  This blog has been an incredible ride from day one, full of really big ups and disappointing downs, but after four and a half years (crazy!), I could still pinch myself daily.  This year I found my wedding dress (yay!), traveled with girlfriends, road-tripped with my love, and witnessed a group of gals “freeing the nipple” during New York Fashion Week.    I pushed myself but also learned that it’s important to take a little down time.  (That Instagram can wait, right?)  I’ve had a lot of fun, and my sincere hope is that you’ve had a bit of fun following along.  I mean, this whole fashion thing should be fun, shouldn’t it?  And I owe you, the readers, the biggest thanks for all the love.  All the comments, shares, likes, emails, and Tweets.  You guys are amazing.  And so far, 2016 is looking pretty sweet.  I’m kicking off the new year with the usual fashion, a bit of fitness, awards season, and, oh yeah, the biggest party of my life.  #PrendergastAtLast  So here’s to you guys, and cheers to an amazing new year!


1 Comment on Looking Back on 2015

  1. Ginger Gaubert
    December 31, 2015 at 4:00 am (9 years ago)

    Happy New Year, Nikki! Looking forward to your posts in 2016! xoxo


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