Spanx leggings; Cowl-neck sweater; cabi jacket; Cole Haan sneakers; Louis Vuitton neverfull; Quay sunglasses
Oh, ho, ho, the holidays, y’all, and I am ready. We’re kicking things off with our annual Friendsgiving festivities tonight and hopping on a plane to Louisiana tomorrow morning to spend Thanksgiving week with my family. It’s my hands-down favorite time of year, but it can also be a stressful time if you let it. Travel, work responsibilities, and party after party can really take a toll on a gal’s health, ya know? And there’s no better way to ruin my favorite season than by getting all sick and exhausted and pooped out. So today I’m sharing a few ways that I’m focusing on my health this holiday season. (And don’t get it twisted, I still fully intend to live my best life in the weeks ahead – bring on ALLLL the food!) But here goes anyway…
Drink Your Juice (and Eat a Veggie or Two) – And the candied yam variety probably doesn’t count. We all know that the holidays can get a little out of hand with the meals, the treats, the cocktails, you name it, but it’s important for me to remember that holidays or not, my body needs a little actual nourishment regularly. And you can call me crazy, but I’m totally one of those juice enthusiast people. When I start to feel sick, I usually book it to Juice Served Here for their Hot Shot and Turmeric shots and the Pipe Cleaner juice. Last I checked, loading up on ginger never hurt anybody. (And bonus, this week all of their juices are just $5.) My mom has this theory that whatever you believe in will work, and I gotta say, she’s probably right. If you build it, they will come, y’all.
All About the Essential Oils – Call me crazy twice, but I’m also a huge believer in essential oils, and doTERRA is my oil drug of choice. My friend Corrine introduced me a year or so ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Lemon, lavender, Breathe (amazing for snoring husbands), and Peppermint are in constant rotation around here, but my favorite by far is On Guard. It smells amazing (especially around this time of year) and is my go-to when I’m feeling a bit under the weather. I’m constantly grabbing the oil and also love the softgels.
Get Some Exercise – Well, this one is groundbreaking. I know, it’s not rocket science, but sometimes when I’m being pulled in 100 different directions the last thing on my mind is fitting in a workout. But 10 times out of 10, when I make the time and get a workout in, I’m 100% happy that I did. I work out at Core Reform Pilates a few times a week (and have since wayyy back here) and normally take my wild ass puppy on long walks everyday. We’ll be traveling a couple of times over the holidays, so I’m making it a goal for myself to get in so much walking.
And Some SLEEP – I’m pretty much always guilty of not getting enough sleep. I’m a natural night owl, and let’s just say that mornings generally aren’t my jam. (I get these genes from my dad.) But sometimes in the real world, a girl’s gotta wake up early, so I’m making it a priority these days to get a bit more shuteye. For a little nighttime help, I occasionally rely on Olly Restful Sleep Supplements or Dream Water – both work like a charm to relax and turn off my overactive mind.
Take a Little “Me” Time – As a blogger, the holidays can be an especially busy time for me. End of year projects kick into high gear, the event invites are more frequent than any other time of year, and there are personal obligations on top of that. But over the past couple of years, I’ve found that it’s so important to learn to say “no”. I can run around from event to event, trying to please this company and that one, but in the end, no one wins because I’m burnt out and giving everything only half of my attention. These days, I pick and choose my obligations and make sure to take a little “me”time. My ultimate “me” time? A good old fashioned bath, y’all.
And a Little More “Us” Time – What are the holidays if you’re not spending them with people you love? I love the holidays – love, love them – and there’s nothing better than creating new holiday memories with family and friends. I made a priority list for myself a while back, and it goes like this: my husband and my marriage, my family and friends (and pup), and then my blog and career and anything else. It’s admittedly over-simplified here, but when I remember what’s important in life, I think it can do wonders for my mental health and overall happiness. And don’t we all just want to be happy this holiday season?
Photos thanks to Samantha Klose