Holiday Gift Guide: Under $100

holiday gift guide 1. Topshop Plaid Pajamas  2. aden + anais Product(RED) classic daydream blanket  3. Tickle & Kiss Glass Set  4. Soiree Pitcher  5. Vanessa Mooney El Royale Necklace  6. J.Crew Plaid Lodge Moccasins  7. Kate Spade Cedar Street Wristlet  8. Lenora Dame Puff Bag Charm  9. Rebecca Minkoff Molly Metro Wallet  10. Gorjana Shimmer Bar Ring  11. Chelsea28 Turtleneck Sweater  12. NARS Neutral Lip Set  13. Ugg Australia Blanche Robe  14. Kenneth Jay Lane Round Pave Stud Earrings  15. Halogen Marled Infinity Scarf & Beanie  16. Nike Juvenate Sneaker

Happy Ho-Ho-Holidays, people!  I’ve made my list and checked it twice, headed to the mall to start my Christmas shopping, and immediately ran home once I saw the crowds.  I mean, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.  Making my way through the oblivious mosey-around crowd and the hard-core, here-on-a-mission crazy ladies made we wanna lose my marbles.  And really, why battle the crowds when there’s this brilliant little thing called the internet?  (Eureka!)  So today I’m putting together a few must-have, bound to please gifts for the gals in your life.  (And selfishly, a few things that I’m hoping and praying end up under my tree.)  The PJ’s at #1 are officially my favorite of the season – I bought them and would like to live in them.  The blanket at #2 is the softest you’ll ever feel, and (bonus) it gives to an amazing cause.  I could go on and on, but whether she’s in need of new kicks or fresh nude lips, there’s something here for the ladies on your list.  Happy shopping!


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