cabi sweater tank and (old) cardigan; Blank NYC shorts (also here); studded sandals; leopard clutch; Ray-Ban sunglasses; Loren Hope necklace and bracelets
What do you do when you can’t wait a single second longer for denim shorts season? You pair ’em with a couple of cozy, layered tops and call it a day. I’ve been yammering on and on lately about cabi clothing, and this little sweater tank is another fave of the season. Wear it with a pair of flowy pants, skinny jeans, or your favorite denim shorts. And these shorts (first worn back here) are definitely my faves.
Every time I wear these shorts someone asks where they are from because they’re not like the usual tight-fitting, suctioned to your legs fit that seams to fill the retail shelves. Why is it so hard to find denim shorts that aren’t like denim undies? Can I get an amen? If you’re looking for something that’s a little more comfy and appropriate then I’d definitely suggest checking these out. Hope everyone is having a great week!
Photos thanks to Felicia Lasala