Black and Blue

PicturePicturePicturePicturePictureLOFT jeansASTR leather top;  Gap jacket (similar);  Zara heels;  Nine West bag;  Calvin Klein sunglasses;  Boera ring

Well Mother Nature, she is a fickle little wench.  The temps this weekend were constantly up and down, necessitating shorts at times and cozy fireplace fires at others.  It’s days like these that I’m very happy that I stocked up on a few new lightweight blazers this “winter”.  Paired with skinny jeans and a fun leather tee, a lightweight blazer is all I need for these sort-of chilly days.  I’m headed home to Louisiana tomorrow for a few days, and I’m pretty excited for some actual colder weather.  (Just one problem: packing everything I’ve been dying to wear.)  Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving week is off to a great start!

1 Comment on Black and Blue

  1. Nikki
    November 25, 2013 at 12:21 pm (11 years ago)

    Love that jacket, and the shoes are fab! Make sure to pack a jacket because it is COLD here in the south right now! Have a great trip!


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